Imagine following the recipe on the left to make 12 cupcakes. But if you needed more than 12, how would you know how much of each ingredient to use?
One way to increase the number of cupcakes (and keep them tasting the same!) is to double the recipe. Doubling just means to "take two" of something.
Here's how doubling works in math: you either add a number to itself or multiply it by 2. (For example, to double the number 3, you either add 3 + 3 or multiply 3 x 2.)
If you want to double the number of cupcakes, then you have to double the ingredients too to make sure the cupcakes taste the same. Doubling 1 egg means you need 2 eggs in the larger recipe. And since the recipe calls for 2 cups of flour, you will need 4 cups of flour if you double it.
Either way you choose to double—adding a number to itself or multiplying it by 2—you will get the same result in the end.
How many teaspoons of salt will you need if you double the recipe? What math did you use to arrive at that answer? Write your answer in two to three sentences.