Looking for patterns in the daily temperature for a year or more can be difficult. Grouping the temperature data can make some patterns easier to see. One way to do that is to think about the temperature for a whole month. The average monthly temperature describes what the temperature usually was every day during a month.
If you know that the average temperature for a month was 75°F, then you can predict that there were no snowy days. You can also guess that people did not need to wear a coat outside.
This graph shows average monthly temperatures for one year in a U.S. city. Organizing the data this way helps you see how temperatures change over a year.
Vertical blue bars show the temperatures. The y-axis, or vertical side, lists temperatures from 0 up to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The x-axis, or horizontal side, lists all months from January to December. See the alt-format document in Handouts on PBS LearningMedia for a list of the temperatures.Use the graph to answer these questions: