Understanding Average Monthly Temperature
This map shows the average temperatures for the United States in April 2019. Meteorologists use maps like this one to compare temperatures for different periods of time and places. They look for patterns and keep track of them so they can predict weather.

Colors on the map show average temperatures. The key is a color bar that is divided into 10 equal units; each unit represents 10 degrees, and the range is from 0 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The key progresses from cold temperatures, which are dark blue at 0 degrees Fahrenheit, to lighter blue and then white at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Warmer temperatures run from light yellow at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, to orange and then dark red at 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
The northern third of the country is shaded light blue showing it has the coldest average temperatures of about 40 degrees. A white band of 50 degrees stretches across the middle of the country, dipping into the Southwest. The lower third of the country is warmer. Southern areas in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Louisiana, most of Texas, and northern Florida have shades of orange indicating 65 to 75 degrees. Southern Florida, the southern tip of Texas, and an area in Arizona along the California border are a darker orange color, indicating an average temperature of about 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Click Visualize It to practice interpreting the Average Monthly Temperature Map.
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1. What area of the country had warm temperatures of 70°F or more?
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2. Describe an area of the country that had a different average temperature. Make sure your answer includes the average temperature data and the area.
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