Be a Detective! See if you can find the answers to this question in the text you just read.
What are the basic needs of living things?
Hint: If you don’t know, go back to your reading level selection and look for words such as needs, living, things. When you find these words read around the sentence to see if you can find the answer. Good luck, detective!
find answers
Highlight the text that helps you answer the prompt.
Your work is saved automatically, but are you sure you want to exit before you have submitted your work?
Are you sure you want to submit?
Are you sure you want erase all your highlights?
Highlight it! Highlight the words that explain, “what are the basic needs of living things?”
Save It! When you are done, click the Submit button.
find answers
Highlight the text that helps you answer the prompt.
Your work is saved automatically, but are you sure you want to exit before you have submitted your work?
Are you sure you want to submit?
Are you sure you want erase all your highlights?
Highlight it! Highlight the words that explain, “what are the basic needs of living things?”
Save It! When you are done, click the Submit button.
find answers
Highlight the text that helps you answer the prompt.
Your work is saved automatically, but are you sure you want to exit before you have submitted your work?
Are you sure you want to submit?
Are you sure you want erase all your highlights?
Highlight it! Highlight the words that explain, “what are the basic needs of living things?”
Save It! When you are done, click the Submit button.