About moles...
Moles are subterranean rodents, meaning that they're mammals related to hamsters and mice and they live underground. Most live in the United States, where they tend to gather in cleared areas, like prairies, lawns and golf courses. They have small bodies with relatively large front paws and claws that can dig like shovels. Moles dig long tunnels from their underground homes, in search of worms and other food sources - in just one hour, a mole can tunnel nearly twenty feet! Moles are well-adapted for life below ground. They have low vision, but an excellent sense of smell, helping them navigate beneath the soil. And, they require less oxygen than most mammals, which helps them survive in tight spaces as they dig!
![]() See my interactive lesson, I Dig Soil!
Meet the mole...
"Hey! Cut the lights! It’s way too bright in here – come in to my tunnel and we’ll talk! Much better in here – I feel right at home beneath a layer of soil. And I built this place with my own two paws! I know I don’t look very strong, but I’m actually a pretty powerful critter. I can use the force of almost forty times my body weight to move dirt, and I can tunnel over fifteen feet in just one hour. So, you could say I’m a bit of a do-it-yourselfer when it comes to building a home. And why not: just look at my construction materials! Why, I really hit grade-A topsoil in this neighborhood."