In 1877, a group of African American settlers began to build a new life for themselves in Kansas and established the all-Black community of Nicodemus. Six Black men and one White man created the Nicodemus Town Company in 1877. The men included W. H. Smith, president; Ben Carr, vice president; W. R. Hill, treasurer; S. P. Roundtree, secretary; Jerry Allsap; William Edmunds; and Jeff Lenze. The Nicodemus Town Company circulated flyers inviting people to move to Nicodemus, sometimes with exaggerated claims of the town’s resources.
Analyze both advertisements to answer the questions that follow.
Is now locating in the Great Solomon Valley, in Graham County, two hundred and forty miles northwest of Topeka.
Mr. Smith, the President of the Colony, is a colored man and has lived for the last three years in the Solomon Valley.
All letters of inquiry regarding soil, climate, and locations should be addressed to W. H. Smith, or his secretary, S. P. Roundtree, Topeka, Kansas, until May 15, 1877; then at Ellis, Ellis Company, Kansas. A post office will be located in June at
which is beautifully located on the north side of the south fork of the Solomon River, near the line of Graham and Rooks Counties, 14 miles east of Hill City, and is designed for the Colored Colony. By September 1, the Colony will have houses erected and all branches of mercantile business will be opened out for the benefit of the Colony. A Church edifice and other public buildings will be erected. No Saloons or other houses of ill-fame will be allowed on the town site within five years from the date of this organization.
We invite our colored friends of the Nation to come and join us in this beautiful Promise Land.
Dated at Topeka, Kansas, April 16, 1877.
Trustees: W. M. Edmons, Jeff. Lenze, Jerry Allsapp.
W. H. Smith, President.
Bery Carr, Vice President.
Simon P. Roundtree, Secretary.
W. R. Hill, Treasurer and General Manager.
Note: This Colony has made special arrangements for provisions for the Summer season. For Emigrant and Freight Rates, address our Treasurer, W. R. Hill. Box 120, North Topeka, Kansas.
Are you contemplating a removal from your section to some other locality? If so, read carefully, consider and come to the FERTILE and PICTURESQUE SOUTH SOLOMON VALLEY.
The town of Nicodemus is located on the South fork of the Solomon river with a gentle slope to the South, half mile from the stream which offers ample water power to operate a good flouring mill. To the west at a distance of half a mile is the celebrated Spring creek which traverses a portion of farming lands unexcelled in western Kansas.
Good building along can be had in abundance.
The nearest town of any importance is 12 miles away, giving NICODEMUS the undisputed control of trade for a radius of 10 miles.
Knowing that there are hundreds of sober industrious people in the older states, who after years of toll and privations have failed to accumulate more than a cramped home in a worthless part of some city and feeling that many would leave if they only knew definitely concerning some particular locality we call your attention to NICODEMUS and vicinity.
Your attention is called to CHEAP LANDS which may be had at from 3 dollars to 6 dollars per acre with light interest and from 1 to 20 years’ time and TOWN LOTS may be had at from 5 dollars to 75 dollars according to location and purpose.
For further information address J. E. Porter, Secretary, Nicodemus Immigration Union. Nicodemus, Graham County, Kansas.