REACH FOR MORE! Fun things to do, chosen for you!
Write a 'Fishy' Story! With your learning partner's help, write your own story about something fishy or a mystery. Be sure to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Tell all about your mystery, add clues, and solve it at the end. Have fun reading and retelling your story to your family and friends!
Make an Animal Collage! Pick a favorite animal. Find one picture of the animal and four pictures of details about that animal. Make a collage with the main picture in the center and the four detail pictures all around it. Challenge: take photos of a real pet or animal and make a collage with your own real photos.
Plan a Party! Write your plan: pick a theme, make a list of party supplies and games, and write down the names of your guests. Set a party date, make invitations, and let the party begin!