More for Parents! Here are some teaching tips for you.
Figuring out the vowel sound is the hardest part of learning to read. There are some simple rules to help figure out if the vowel will make a short or long sound.
- If the vowel is sandwiched between two consonants the vowel will make a short vowel sound. These are consonant-vowel-consonant words or CVC words or syllables.
- If the word or syllable ends in a vowel (hi, go, me, or he) it will make a long vowel sound. These are consonant-vowel words or CV words or syllables.
- If the word or syllable ends in an e (cake, bite, or rule) it will make a long vowel sound. These are consonant-vowel-consonant-silent 'e' words or CVCE words or syllables.
- If there are two vowels sandwiched between two consonants (read, feel, or rain) the first vowel will make a long vowel sound. These are consonant-vowel-vowel-consonant words or CVVC words or syllables.
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