Using Reading Strategies
Jessica is starting a summer job as a camp counselor. The employee manual includes descriptions of steps she should take in certain situations, like encountering certain wildlife on the camp property. Read the page from the manual below and keep these strategies in mind as you answer the questions:
Strategy 1: Set a purpose: “I’m learning dangerous animals and insects that I might encounter in my work.”
Strategy 2: Picture what each step looks like. Imagine the steps you can take to prevent an injury and the first aid steps that might be needed.
Strategy 3: Ask yourself, “What did I just read?” Restate the purpose in your own words. If that is difficult, or you don’t understand a step, go back and reread.
Wildlife Encounters at Camp Kamana
Insects, Spiders and Ticks
- To protect yourself from biting and stinging insects, wear long pants, socks, and long-sleeved shirts.
- Use insect repellents that contain DEET or Picaridin.
- Treat bites and stings with over-the-counter products that relieve pain and prevent infection.
- Avoid fire ants; their bites are painful and cause blisters.
- Severe reactions to fire ant bites (chest pain, nausea, sweating, loss of breath, serious swelling or slurred speech) require immediate medical treatment.
- Watch where you place your hands and feet when removing debris. If possible, don’t place your fingers under debris you are moving. Wear heavy gloves.
- If you see a snake, step back and allow it to proceed.
- Wear boots at least 10 inches high.
- Watch for snakes sunning on fallen trees, limbs or other debris.
- A snake’s striking distance is about 1/2 the total length of the snake.
- If bitten, note the color and shape of the snake’s head to help with treatment.
- Keep bite victims still and calm to slow the spread of venom in case the snake is poisonous. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
- Do not cut the wound or attempt to suck out the venom. Apply first aid: lay the person down so that the bite is below the level of the heart, and cover the bite with a clean, dry dressing.