If you've landed on this page after completing all the pages before it, that means you're ready to post your rough cut, and ultimately, your final cut. Congratulations!
At this point it's likely that you've received some feedback on work you've produced this far--your script, storyboard or both--as always, keep in mind that all the reviews you've received--great, not-so-great and otherwise--are part of the digital storytelling process. This is true especially if you've received less-than-stellar comments. One of the most difficult aspects of any type of work that you've created is receiving criticism on something that feels so personal to you. Two good rules of thumb to keep in mind when receiving any type of review are:
Post your rough cut in the left-hand box below. After you've received your reviews and have reworked your production, post your final cut in the right-hand box.
Write It!: Your work has been submitted.
Write It!: Your work has been submitted.