Prometheus: A titan, a superior being of Greek mythology who created living things, including mankind, which he molded in his likeness from clay. He was punished by Zeus for stealing fire and giving it to hamnkind.
Science Fiction: A story that explores the effect that imagined or real science has on a society, environment, or characters within the frame of a story.
Horror Fiction: A genre or type of fiction that features elements that seek to scare, disgust, create suspense or fear into the experience the reader has with the story.
Genre: A category or type of style found in music, literature, or film.
Gothic Novels: A style of novel popularized in the 19th century that features solitary, brooding characters, gloomy settings, and explores the supernatural.
Hubris: Excessive pride or self confidence
Epistolary: Written in the form of a series of letters.
Ethics: Set of principles that navigate what is good and bad and what one’s individual duty or obligation is to others.
Ambition: Desire for fame or power.
Romanticism: Artistic movement of the late 18th century that originated in Europe. It was characterized by a love of nature, an interest in the occult or the unusual, and prized emotion over reason.