Now it’s time to reflect on this activity and record your findings. Be ready to share your conclusions for a classroom discussion. Check with your teacher about whether you should reflect individually or as a team.
For individual reflection, click the link below to download and print the Reflection handout. Read through the questions with your partner and discuss. Then, answer the questions on your own.
For team reflections, provide your responses in the text boxes below.
1. How did you determine an effective strategy for solving the problem? What are your conclusions and the reasoning behind them?
3. Why is it useful to represent real-life situations algebraically? What are some ways to represent, describe, and analyze patterns that occur in our world?
2. Compare and contrast the various algebraic and graphical representations possible for the problem. How does the approach used to solve the challenge affect the choice of representations?
4. How is math, and algebra in particular, applied to the world of restaurants? Brainstorm other real-world situations which involve the type of math and problem solving used in this lesson.