REACH FOR MORE! Fun things to do, chosen for you!
Have a letter hunt! Find objects that begin with each letter, Zz, Ee, Gg, Ss, Ww, Yy, Vv, Xx, and Qq . Play with friends and see who can find the most objects!
Write a Book of Letters! Make a book about one of the letters you have learned. Gather pictures from old magazines or take your own photos of the letter you choose. Paste the pictures on a piece of construction or print paper. Make a book cover and staple it all together. Challenge: Make an alphabet book using the letters of your first name - one letter per page. BIG Challenge: Make a whole alphabet book - 26 letters - one letter per page.
Paint with Water! Paint or fingerpaint letters Zz, Ee, Gg, Ss, Ww, Yy, Vv, Xx, and Qq with plain water on the sidewalk.
Make Clay Letters! Using clay or playdough, roll out long snakes and bend them into letter shapes. Challenge: Make clay words with your clay letters.